The Eldorado Success is the local paper in Eldorado, Texas, and apparently the editor/owner is also on the City Counsel. Thus, bigotry in his position is doubly harmful to families he doesn't agree with.
This letter is very crude and under-developed. I just whipped out a short email, I didn't intend for it to be published, and looking back the quality is embarrassing. However, since it may give some people good ideas, I am posting this rather terrible bit of writing.
This letter is very crude and under-developed. I just whipped out a short email, I didn't intend for it to be published, and looking back the quality is embarrassing. However, since it may give some people good ideas, I am posting this rather terrible bit of writing.
I am interested in the FLDS situation going on in Eldorado, so I checked your paper. However, I noticed that in your "Worship Link" section you didn't even have a link for the FLDS worship service. Looking back over your articles, the editorial board seems to take a decided stand against the FLDS, always offering them a rebuttal, but never asking a hard question of their persecutors. I would advise you to check out Charlie Rose or the News Hour. Both shows are freely available, and though I may not agree with their politics show good journalism in asking tough questions. For better or worse the FLDS have helped you sell papers, and it is only proper that you give them a fair treatment.
From what I can tell, the El Dorado Success has been actively whipping up public sentiment against the FLDS since they arrived. You can just bet that the "good" citizens of El Dorado spent many exciting hours engaged in malignant gossip about their strange neighbors--fueled by the tabloid-like stories put out by this rag. It would be interesting to go back in time as a fly on the wall of the local barber and beauty shops on Saturday mornings.
I'm quite sure that God will be discussing these things with the editor--and with his fellow citizens on judgment day. He will also be discussing the bearing of false witness against these people by the minions of the state.
Jerri Lynn - Thanks for your comments. I agree with your "whipping up public sentiment" comment. It seems quite unjustified.
If you have a blog, please let me know so that I can link to it.
God bless
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