Sunday, January 18, 2009

Abuses in Arkansas and North Carolina, a few interesting sites

Legally Kidnapped has a link to an article, as well as a comment from a mother of one of the girls that the state kidnapped. Persecution of an unpopular religion once again seems to come into play here. Once again, no objective reporting by the main stream media. However, the families involved in this case posted videos of an abusive interview by the FBI, and sent it to the white house as well. This has force the main stream media to deal with real facts, and not just the typical government whitewash.

North Carolina has some serious problems with CPS abuse, including forged signatures and other overt illegal actions. Government officials once again abusing power, with family suffering as the fallout.

Here are a couple of sites that may be of interest to readers. Those with Jewish heritage are aware of the dangers of bigotry and persecution. Thus, the Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership have a rather clear position. Also, the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform has some good resources and ideas on their website.

Sore Toes and a Bleeding Heart
recommends that the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts have a "FLDS family Day," just as they are having a Chinese family day. There is also a link to an article in which Hildebran admits that mistakes were made. However, he does not take responsibility for his own mistakes and bigotry, preferring to take the immature route of blaming others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl thanks for giving my blog a plug on your site...I will return the favor....I actually have two blogs that post the same stories...helps get the word out twice as fast!!!!

I will add you to my blog roll....